Our mission is to shine the light of Jesus in such a way that through us the Lord might develop fully functioning followers of Christ.
We envision First Baptist Church of Stryker as a unified community of faith in Jesus Christ that has a heart for the lost. We believe our church with this vision will have rippling effects beginning with the four-county region and then to the uttermost parts of the earth. Being a unified community of faith involves mutual encouragement to follow Jesus whole-heartedly and being equipped for the work of the ministry. Having a heart for the lost first requires building a community that welcomes people as they are and sharing the hope that is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
These are the expression of who we desire to be. They represent the ideals that guide us and the virtues that shape us. Recognizing that we are imperfect human beings, we know that we will not always reflect them as evidently as we would like, but these are the qualities that we aspire to as we seek to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: